Homoeopathic Doctors use remedies that include oils, herbs, tinctures, etc., to cure the patients. These Doctors are either self-employed or work with public or private sector hospitals.
Consultants gather information about the symptoms, personality traits, physical and psychological condition of the patient and accordingly provide the consultation.
Homeopathy graduates can also work as lecturers in medical institutes, or homeopathic colleges.
These professionals are responsible for selling homoeopathic medicines.
Homeopathy Graduates also work with people who are involved in the administration for planning, strategizing, and coordinating the health services. Also they supervise all the areas of a hospital.
Chief Medical Officers treat patients and administrate work while cooperating with the executive team and creating procedures and policies. Also they train the staff members and keep them motivated.
Clinical Researcher in Homeopathy
Clinical researchers conduct studies to assess the effectiveness and safety of homeopathic treatments and remedies.
Homeopathic veterinary doctors provide alternative treatments for animals using homeopathy, focusing on holistic animal health.
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