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Jaw Dropping Futuristic Gigs to Look Forward To
Admin Aug 31, 2022 11:59 AM

The career world is constantly changing, so your career adventure will likely change many destinations along the way. Video game programmers, smart phone designers, and just about anyone and everyone who works on the internet can look back at past works of science fiction to see that their futuristic jobs were probably imagined to be a part of sci-fi books. This is not uncommon. Sci-fi writers have long revolutionized science and technology and created futuristic worlds that include uncanny accurate predictions.
So let's see what these futuristic jobs are. The one thing in all of them is the ongoing technological revolution we've been witnessing!

Genetic Engineering Salesperson
Say you want to have a baby. Someday, you and your partner may sit down with a genetic engineering salesperson and design your baby. You'll want to give them green or brown eyes and dark hair and make them tall. You may not have enough for that super-athlete package but the salesperson will talk you into getting all the basic medical coverage. Like any other salesperson, he is likable, friendly, and good at persuasion and negotiation. The only difference is that he sells genetic modifications instead of cars, furniture, or houses. You probably won't have to have a special degree for this futuristic job, just the natural aptitude for sales. As genetic engineering becomes a more real-life truth, so will the businesses offering these types of services.

Regarding genetic engineering, the future farmer will look less like Old McDonald and a lot more like the 2015 Nobel Prize-winning astrophysicist Arthur B. McDonald. Soon, farming will not be about physically planting seeds and tilling the land; it will be about mass producing genetically engineered food. This food, developed in a lab, will be able to meet the world's food supply needs better and help the millions around the world suffering from food insecurity. On the other hand, it also enables businesses to make low-quality food in large quantities and profit greatly from its sale. Future bio-farmers will decide whether this new technological advancement is beneficial or detrimental.

Space Traffic Controller
From Apes to Humans, power and possession over a territory is an integral part of life, and it'll continue to be so. What seems like a dream may soon turn into reality, and travel from earth to space may be something we will witness in the coming time. Commercial space travel is quite not here yet existential, but once it gets here, it is possible it escalates just like air travel did in the 1950s.
Space traffic controllers will be so important in the future. There will be lots of jobs related to this new frontier of travel in addition to space traffic controllers. There will be spaceship pilots, builders, engineers, repair technicians, and even space flight attendants. Learning about the science behind space travel now could pay off huge in the next decade as this vision that was once just in sci-fi books is closer than ever.

Data Transfer Specialist
Imagine if we could download all the information from a medical school into a robot doctor? How about if we could take all of a person's brain functions and transfer them to a robotic body that wouldn't die? These are sci-fi concepts that used to seem crazy but now aren't that unrealistic. We will need experts to help with these transfers if the idea of moving data from one entity to another develops as far as some science fiction works have predicted. Depending on what is being transferred and where it is being transferred to and from, these specialists will need the skills of a data scientist, a computer programmer, or maybe even a medical doctor. There are endless possibilities in this profession.

Hologram Designer
This job is here, although it is not available or needed on a massive scale. Holographic concerts featuring deceased musicians playing for festival crowds have been around for a while, showing this medium's potential future. These designers must be a combination of a movie director, video editor, and journalist. Holographic designers will have to find old footage of people (or create new footage of people) and create holographic performances or other types of interactions. This job is very close to being an everyday workplace reality.

AI Law Enforcement Officer
As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning get more sophisticated and complex, a world where machines can think for themselves and make their own decisions is not as far-fetched as it once seemed. When this happens, there is the possibility these machines will go off the rails and start doing bad things. In these cases, we will want to ensure we have a tough robot law enforcement system to deal with these rouge machines. These new cops who deal with robot-related issues will have to have all the instincts of today's detectives mixed with a scientific background to know how to stop a machine turned bad.
Professor, technology writer and futurist Cathy Davidson once theorized that 65% of future jobs have not yet been invented. This means that in 10, 20, or 30 years, two out of every three people who read this will have a job that does not exist right now in 2022. This is wild to think about. If you are interested in learning more though about what types of jobs may dominate the future employment market, sci-fi books and movies may be a good place to start.
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