Leading Professions

Deck Officers

Deck officers, including Captains, Mates, and Navigational Officers, are responsible for the safe navigation and management of the ship. They oversee the crew and ensure that the vessel follows navigational routes and international regulations.

24.0LPA •  4.4

Engine officer

The Engineers on ship are responsible for the maintenance of the mechanical as well as electrical instruments and machinery of the ship. They work with engines, ventilation system, navigation and communication equipments, and so on.

24.0LPA •  4.4

Naval Architect

The liability for designing, manufacturing as well as repair of the ships, marine vessels and offshore structures is with architecture department.

20.0LPA •  4.4

Navy Catering

Preparing and serving food to the passengers, crew members is the responsibility of the catering department.

10.0LPA •  4.4

Electro-Technical Officer

Electro-technical officers (ETO) focus on the ship's electrical and electronic systems, ensuring they function properly. They handle repairs and maintenance of equipment, including communication systems and navigation equipment.

10.0LPA •  4.4


Ratings, also known as non-officer positions, include Ordinary Seamen, Able Seamen, Motormen, and other deck and engine crew members. They assist in various operations, maintenance, and safety tasks

10.0LPA •  4.4
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