Leading Professions

Naturopathic Doctor

A naturopathic doctor diagnoses and treats patients using natural methods. They may also prescribe herbal medicines and dietary supplements.

5.0LPA •  4.4

Yoga & Meditation Instructor

A yoga & meditation instructor teaches various yoga postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation techniques to promote physical and mental health.

4.0LPA •  4.4

Dietician & Nutritionist

A dietician & nutritionist advises patients on healthy eating habits and helps them develop meal plans based on their individual needs.

5.0LPA •  4.4

Massage Therapist

A massage therapist uses various massage techniques such as Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and aromatherapy massage to relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation.

3.0LPA •  4.4


A hydrotherapist uses water-based therapies such as hydrobaths, hydropacks, and hydroshowers to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation.

3.0LPA •  4.4

Acupuncturist & Acupressurist

An acupuncturist uses thin needles to stimulate specific points on the body to relieve pain and promote healing. An acupressurist uses finger pressure on these points to achieve similar results.

3.0LPA •  4.4

Naturopathic Researcher

A naturopathic researcher conducts research on natural therapies and their effectiveness in treating diseases.

4.0LPA •  4.4
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