
Goal Setting Activities - Class 9th to 12th

Goal Setting Activities - Class 9th to 12th


What is a goal?


Goal is something that you are trying to do or achieve. When an athlete makes a goal, it is the result of their hard work and dedication. It is the end toward which effort is directed. The goals for you can be related to education, personal achievements, healthy habits, behaviours, managing hobbies, etc. Learning the skills of setting goal is an important for success in the long run.


Why is it required?


With so much information and knowledge available these days, it is very important for a student to learn important life skills such as time management, planning and organisation.

Setting a goal encourages an individual to take actions, stay motivated, have a long-term vision and evaluate their performance from time to time. It makes you more aware of your strengths and weaknesses.


How will it help you?


The package will involve a combination of Goal Achievement Exercise, Self-Assessment, Activities and discussions with an expert.


This is in addition to student’s academics when a child wants to go above and beyond. The student will achieve success beyond classroom study by-

  • Identifying their SMART goals
  • Developing an action plan for moving forward
  • Anticipating and overcoming potential challenges


Students can aim to journal their goals in the following areas-

  • Academics
  • Future career plans
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Family
  • Social life


Who can take this package?


  • The students of Class 9th to 12th


Where can an individual take it up?


  • Online- both audio and video


What all is required to get started?


To get started and have the maximum benefit from this program, following is essential from the student end-

  • Commitment to have a clear vision and improving self-image
  • Visualize the outcomes
  • Ability to set priorities
  • Tracking their progress


What is the length of the package?


4 weeks


Framework for “Goal Setters Do Better”


It is a 4 week plan recommendation with 2 activities in each week to move towards the outcome along with sharing some reading materials each week. Each week will include 30-45 mins interaction with the expert.


Week 1
  • Self-Assessment on where is a student on goal setting
  • Communication with career expert for rapport building, information gathering and expectation setting
Week 2
  • Discussing SMART goals and setting up action plans
  • Follow up activities
Week 3
  • Set additional goals on other desired areas
  • Follow up activities
Week 4
  • Understanding the overall effectiveness of the program
  • Set up action plans post the program completion



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