
Career Options for Biology students

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Career Options for Biology students




The popularity and financial viability of jobs in biology has skyrocketed in recent years. The urgent demand for attentive personnel, cutting-edge technology, and state-of-the-art equipment may readily be linked to a large part of this rise. At the same time, frontline workers such as doctors, nurses, and support personnel have inspired the younger generation with their bravery and service during the recent pandemic.

New-age biology careers are all the rage right now because they allow you to push the boundaries of what we already know and explore new territory with the potential to save humanity (quite literally)!

For a long time, the streams of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology were regarded to be synonymous with medicine. Other than medicine, there are at least 50 job opportunities with PCB. You're not alone if something sounds interesting to you or piques your interest. Continue reading to learn about the top new-age careers in biology.




Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, including their genetic makeup, cellular structure, and how they interact with their hosts. This is a brief summary of the intriguing field of microbiology. Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology, Immunology and Parasitology are only a few of the sub domains. Its goal is to have a thorough understanding of microorganisms in order to avoid epidemics and create vaccinations. Pharmaceutical firms, research institutes, the food sector and research foundations all employ microbiologists. They may also provide advice on government healthcare projects and assist people in preparing for the worst-case scenario.



Biochemistry is primarily a laboratory-based science that combines the areas of biology and chemistry to explore chemical reactions within the living organisms and anything related to them. The breadth of this subject is vast, encompassing everything from food digestion and drug effects to tailored treatment and hormonal balancing. As a result, biochemists are in high demand in the pharmaceutical, drug research, drug manufacturing, super foods, supplements, and food industries. Environmental sciences, water management, and waste management are all areas where talented biochemists may make a big difference. One of the probable job opportunities in biology is biochemistry.



Epidemiologists play a critical role in managing the COVID-19 epidemic, and their contributions are invaluable. As the field relates to a thorough investigation of origins of disease, its incidence, spread, surveillance, management, and potential control, it is one of the foundations of future societies, which must be as safe and prepared as they must be modern and livable. Epidemiologists work at the foundation of healthcare policy, assisting governments and members of civil society in developing more effective healthcare systems that benefit everyone. They typically work for state and central governments, as well as think tanks and developmental consulting organizations, in offices and laboratories. After graduating from high school, this is one of the most profitable careers in biology.



Forensic Sciences

The interesting career domain of Forensic Sciences is defined by the detailed study and examination of a crime scene as well as the evidence obtained from the crime scene with the goal of providing clarity on the cause of death, possible motives, and prospective suspects, among other things. Forensic scientists, who are highly analytical, observant, detail-oriented and diligent, assist law enforcement and crime-solving agencies such as police departments and the CBI in solving criminal cases by providing the required evidential backing.



Biotechnology is a vast field of biology that entails the use of live creatures and systems to generate desired outcomes. Biotechnology is used in everyday activities such as baking bread with yeast, creating curd from milk and fermenting grains to make alcohol etc. Genetics, grafting, cryonics, regeneration, and other sub-specialties have been added to the discipline. Manufacturers, engineers, medical experts, and research firms are all using this technology right now. It entails developing and innovating things for human consumption and usage.


Bioinformatics is a fascinating field that combines biology, computer science, math, and statistics to collect, analyze, and interpret vast amounts of biological data. This information could pertain to a country's population's immunity, the efficacy of a vaccination or drug, or the impact of a dietary supplement on people's hormonal balance. Bioinformatics specialists work on initiatives such as DNA sequencing, genome annotation, and comparative gene analysis in labs, research foundations, biotechnology organizations, and pharmaceutical corporations.


Environmental Sciences

Because our environment is made up of everything around us, our interactions with it, as well as the physiological changes that result from those interactions, are immensely significant. With climate change and environment moving at a breakneck speed, the demand for environmental scientists has never been greater. Working prospects for environmental scientists range from collaborating with architects and engineers to advocating with lawyers for better environmental legislation and designing and implementing better water management and waste management systems to prevent disease spread.


Public Health Administration

Public health administrators have the dual responsibility of forecasting and preparing for disease outbreaks, as well as managing and controlling outbreaks once they occur. As Public Health Administrators interact with government agencies at all levels – Central, state, and local – they work on major planning, implementation, and advocacy problems. They can also collaborate with impact investment firms, healthcare audit firms, civil society, developmental consulting firms, and international institutions such as the UN, ADB, and World Bank on healthcare projects.




As people strive to get fitter by the day, the demand for qualified nutritionists who research and advise on vital nutrients and nutritional value of them for the human body has skyrocketed. Nutritionists assist people by identifying and recommending foods that are most suited to their body type, allowing them to feel better physically and emotionally while also assisting them in achieving their fitness objectives. They work in hospitals, restaurants, Gyms, private practices, food producers, and the super food sector, among other places.



The study of genes, gene variation, and inheritance in living creatures are all part of the fascinating discipline of genetics. Genetics offers a wide range of applications, from seedless watermelons and multicoloured roses to pest-resistant crops and faster-acting pharmaceuticals. As a result, geneticists are in high demand in fields such as, research, public health, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, medication development and testing, and biotechnology. They investigate the function of genes in disease and health, as well as how environmental variables influence them.



Medicines have become an indispensible component of our modern lifestyle since they help both prevent and cure sickness. Pharmacologists research and analyze the uses, effects, and mechanisms of action of various medicines, and so play an important role in the creating, testing, and trials of new drugs. Pharmacologists are also leading the way in the creation of tailored treatments, with positions available in major pharmaceutical firms, drug research labs and organisations and super food companies.



Physiology is the study of living organisms' bodily functions, and mechanisms, particularly humans. Organs, cells, muscles, anatomy, and biological chemicals are among the main topics studied by physiologists, as well as how they work together and collaborate with other organs to keep the body working. Plant physiology, microbial physiology, cellular physiology, and other sections of the science are studied in addition to human physiology. You can work as a researcher, clinical-exercise physiologist, sports physiologist, physiotherapist, biomedical scientist, teacher/professor, and other professionals in this sector.


Marine Biology

It is a branch of science that studies marine species, including their behaviour and interactions with their surroundings. Fishery Science is another profession that is related to this. The discipline of marine biology is quite broad, and there is no singular job title for "marine biologist," which can be held by any professional who works closely with marine life and species. Work as an aquaculturist, a fishery biologist, an environmental consultant, or a researcher, for example.




Both, Physics and Biology principles are combined in this discipline. Biophysicists use physics methods and approaches to investigate organisms at the cellular and molecular level. It's a rapidly developing discipline that involves cutting-edge technology, physical measurements, and computational models. Nuclear medical biophysicists, forensic biophysicists, clinical biophysicists, , professors, nutritional biophysicists and others work in this subject. Research is a popular career path, and you can work as a research scientist for a variety of government and private organizations.


Biomedical Science

It's an applied science that brings together elements from other disciplines to create health-care solutions, technology, and knowledge. Biomedical scientists research how cells, organs, and systems in the human body function, and their findings are used to better understand and cure diseases. You can work as a clinical researcher, biological scientist, toxicologist, forensic scientist, immunologist, and other healthcare professionals with the knowledge and abilities you gain in this field. In India, it is a relatively new yet rapidly growing field.


Food and Agriculture

This is a broad field that encompasses a variety of fields connected to the study of chemical and biological processes that affect plants, food and dairy production. Food science and technology, horticulture, agronomy, agricultural engineering, dairy technology, and other subjects are included in this field. Each of these jobs has a wide range of career paths and prospects. Product development scientist, Process development scientist, agricultural manager, agricultural consultant, research and development, and so forth are some of the more prevalent ones. Other prospects include floriculturists, horticulturists, dairy technologists, food technologists, soil scientists, animal nutritionists, plant scientists, and so on.


Allied Medicine

If you genuinely want to be a doctor but don't want to go through the rigorous M.B.B.S. programme, the Allied Medicine field can be the right fit for you. This is another broad category that includes a variety of healthcare occupations that are not doctors but aid them in their work. Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Audiology, Clinical Research, Medical Lab Technology, Radiology, and other related fields are among them. Each of these jobs has a wide range of career routes, colleges, and possibilities.


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