Leading Professions

Personal Stylist

A personal stylist helps individuals develop a unique and personalized style that suits their body shape, personality, and lifestyle. They provide guidance on clothing choices, accessories, colors, and trends.

6.0LPA •  4.4

Wardrobe Consultant

Wardrobe consultants assist individuals in organizing and optimizing their wardrobe. They assess the client's style needs, help declutter outdated items, and suggest new additions to create a functional and stylish collection of clothing.

4.0LPA •  4.4

Makeup Artist

Makeup artists specialize in enhancing a person's features through skillful makeup application. They work with clients for various occasions such as parties, weddings, photo shoots, or corporate events, providing customized makeup looks that align with the client's preferences and style.

6.0LPA •  4.4

Etiquette Coach

Etiquette coaches guide individuals in enhancing their social grace, manners, and overall behavior. They educate on proper etiquette for various situations, including business gatherings, formal events, dining etiquettes, and communication skills.

3.0LPA •  4.4

Grooming Consultant

Grooming consultants focus on personal grooming, including skincare routines, haircare, and overall hygiene. They provide customized advice to clients to enhance their appearance, self-confidence, and professional presentation.

4.0LPA •  4.4

Body Language Expert

Body language experts help individuals improve their non-verbal communication skills. They analyze and train clients on gestures, posture, facial expressions, and eye contact to convey confidence, professionalism, and positive messages.

8.0LPA •  4.4

Fashion Event Consultant

Fashion event consultants specialize in organizing and managing fashion-related events such as runways, fashion shows, product launches, or corporate fashion events. They handle logistics, coordinate with designers and models, and ensure the smooth execution of the event.

6.0LPA •  4.4

Image Consultant Trainer

Image consultant trainers educate aspiring image consultants by providing professional training programs. They impart knowledge and skills related to image management, styling, grooming, etiquette, and personal branding to prepare individuals for a career in image consulting.

10.0LPA •  4.4
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