SkilllabCourse College Readiness - Part 1

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy


What is Digital Literacy?


Digital literacy refers to people's ability to find, evaluate and collect clear information on various digital platforms in written or other ways. It is evaluated based on grammar, composition, writing skills, and a person's ability to use technology to create text, audio, designs and images, etc. Therefore, digital literacy means having the necessary skills to live, study, and work in a society where people gradually communicate, work, and receive information through digital technologies (for example, Internet platforms, social media, and Mobile devices.


21st-century skills and digital literacy 

Digital competence requires certain skills across various disciplines. Basically, people need to master three 21st century skills or abilities in order to read and write digitally: information, media, and technology; learning and innovation capabilities; and life and professional skills.

When faced with a large amount of information in many forms, it is very important to develop critical thinking skills: to find, filter, evaluate, apply and generate information, we require critical thinking.


Communication is additionally, the most important aspect of digital capabilities. When communicating in a good environment, the ability to express ideas, ask related questions, maintain respect and build trust is as important as face-to-face communication.

You also need to have a practical understanding (Practical skills) of technology in order to access, manage, manipulate, and create information in an ethical and sustainable way. This is a continuous learning process that requires the use of new applications and constant updates, but if your digital life is in order, your future will be greatly appreciated!

Since you are in college, digital literacy is indeed very important. This will continue to be very important when you enter the professional field in the future. In the workplace, you need to interact with people in a digital environment, use information correctly, and develop new ideas and products. Most importantly, as the digital environment changes faster and faster, you need to maintain your digital identity and wellbeing.


Why is digital literacy so important in 21st century education? 


Digital literacy plays an important role in determining a student’s ability to succeed, first in school and later, throughout life. It is an important aspect of education in the 21st century and the foundation of any future education and teaching method. Our students should have the skills needed to succeed in study and work. The concept of digital literate students is both practical and progressive. As students today see the Internet as their primary source of information, school principals, media professionals, and educators are increasingly concerned about the benefits of digital literacy in schools. Hence, students with Digital capabilities know how to find and consume digital content. They also know how to create, communicate and share digital content.

Digitally literate students understand the basics of Internet security, such as understanding and using privacy settings, creating strong passwords, and knowing what should not be shared on social media. They understand the dangers of cyber bullying and are committed to stopping it too. In today's digital world, almost every profession requires digital communication at some point. Therefore, teaching students the skills of effective and responsible online searching, scoring, communicating and sharing content is essential for their future. Students’ digital skills begin immediately in the classroom. Students who are proficient in digital literacy will become responsible content creators and consumers. Create other media, such as tweets, podcasts, videos, emails, and blogs.


Digital literacy is undoubtedly, the most important lifelong learning tool in 21st century!


With the expanded importance of technology in this era, digital literacy is considered the most valuable tool for lifelong learning. Indeed, the impact of social media, technology and online resources on the citizens of the global society is enormous. For children, accessing home computers on the Internet doubles their chances of going to college. The technology community can help them succeed or slow them down. In the past 15 years, society has changed tremendously. It has become more and more essential to keep learning even after getting into the workforce. The impact of technology on business is the main driving force behind this new mission. Adult digital literacy is expected to achieve great success shortly.  The education technology industry has long focused on the worth of digital technology for children. Now is the time to incorporate digital literacy into adult education in the same way, but with some changes.

There are four factors at the center of digital competence: technical skills and access, authoring rules, presentation rules, and online social responsibility. In order for students and employees to interact responsibly in a digital society, all four important issues must be understood.


Reasons Students Need to Develop Digital Literacy


The next big or the fourth industrial revolution is underway. Artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things connect everything from doorbells to kitchen appliances. In the digital age spanning decades, technology is also evolving: iPhone, apps, social media, cryptocurrency, etc. According to statistics, by 2020, smartphone users will reach 2.87 billion, compared with 1.57 billion in 2014. And in10 years the numbers of social media users is expected to triple in numbers. Therefore, it is fair to say that students are proficient in digital devices and integrate technology into their daily lives. In fact, 81% of adults are confident that they can use the Internet and other communication gadgets to preserve up with data demands and keep up with the information in their life.

True digital literacy is not just about using a web browser or browsing basic software. You can use digital tools to help students solve problems, create innovative projects and improve communication to meet the challenges of the ever-changing workplace. It starts with the process of students thinking critically, solving problems creatively, cooperating effectively and communicating effectively. Science and Business When students can read and write digitally, they will become considerate digital content consumers, effective and collaborative digital content creators, and problem solvers willing to join the workforce and make social contributions to the community.


They become thoughtful consumers of digital content

Today’s generation of students has immediate access to any statistics or information they want — and they’re getting better at dealing with it. Students need to actively consume digital content. When students are truly digital, they are critical of the content even before it becomes digital. Writers learn to evaluate and question their resources, think critically and draw convincing information and conclusions, and use their new knowledge creatively in unique ways. Media interviews, analysis and evaluation are essential skills because we pay more attention to artificial intelligence and scattered information sources. The skills learned today may only last for 5 to 10 years and then go outdated. Given the importance of their online presence, they are becoming better digital citizens and lifelong learners who can adapt and apply their knowledge in the real world.


They become effective and collaborative creators of digital content

There is a reason why more than one billion hours of YouTube videos are watched every day: people love stories. Through storytelling, whether it is to exchange research results, discuss current political issues, or simplify complex concepts into easy-to-understand audio samples, we can all learn the best. Students need to be prepared to create their own digital content in the learning environment. Through digital communication of videos, podcasts, info-graphics or other design elements, students can learn in a modern and meaningful way, and easily exchange ideas and projects, and work together. Students in all disciplines can use innovative tools. Like Adobe Creative Cloud for classroom layouts and projects, they can develop and communicate their understanding more easily.

This digital ability also brings out some other important skills: you must be creative, think critically, solve problems creatively, and collaborate effectively. These skills come from thinking outside the scope of only essay writing. When students collaborate and create in different environments, they need to develop and use these skills. When students learn digital literacy, they not only gain technical knowledge: they develop vital life skills, so that they have a deeper understanding of the digital world and choose useful and understandable content. Students will not only use these skills in the classroom, but also implement them in the workforce, and be competitive and innovative in any industry.


They become social contributors in their communities

Students need to be willing to participate in today's workplace competition and have a positive impact on the entire community. Digital learners are better equipped to help solve complex business and social problems. Innovative solutions require innovative thinkers. Students need to be willing to solve problems creatively so that they can compete in the job market and not lose their jobs through automation. These important skills include independent teaching, learning through success or failure, and working with different teams. These are also the skills needed to obtain higher income. In fact, 82.9% of managers are looking for outstanding new employees with problem-solving skills.

But this is not only just about the future. Solving creative problems at work and other important soft skills, such as creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration, will be implemented immediately at workplace. Google found that the most successful employees have become a good coach; good at communicating and listening; familiar with others (including different values ​​and opinions); sympathetic and supportive to colleagues; being an excellent critical thinker with problem-solving skills; and the ability to connect with complex ideas. Although the focus of recruitment is on STEM skills, it is these soft skills that are establishing themselves. When students of various disciplines use creative tools to communicate in new media, it can help connect creative thinking and innovative thinking with actual work after graduation.

Outside the professional environment, the development of these skills has a direct impact on online information retrieval and promotes social and cultural understanding. The digital literacy of students has a huge impact on how students interact in the workplace and the larger community. Digital literacy makes learners become alert and important consumers of digital content. They can collaborate effectively to create their own digital content, and they can innovate problem-solving abilities in the workplace and the community. Educators and companies need to implement and develop this knowledge while preparing for an evolving workforce.

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